Tampa Catholic High School

Admissions Policy

Thank you for considering Holy Rosary for your child's education.

The schools of the Houma-Thibodaux Diocese admit students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students of the organization. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship programs, and other organization-administered programs.

Registration is conducted annually during a time period determined by the administration. Payment of registration fee does not constitute acceptance, admittance, or enrollment to the school. Admittance to Holy Rosary Catholic School is on an annual basis for all students.

Please fill out the form or contact school at 985-693-3342 to begin the enrollment process.

Financial Aid

  • Sister Claire Rodrigue Endowment

    In 1986, several civic-minded supporters of Catholic education were inspired to develop a tuition assistance program for families of the South Lafourche community who may not have the resources to attend Holy Rosary Catholic School. The brainchild of John Brady, Jr. developed into what was known as Friends of the Rosary. 

    Today, the tuition program is called the Sister Claire Rodrigue Scholarship Endowment, after the woman who dedicated her life to God and our school.

    Funds are distributed to the children of the applicant who qualifies for the scholarship for exclusive use for tuition assistance at HRCS. 

    Tuition assistance varies according to the needs of the applicant. 

    No applicant will receive the entire tuition of HRCS. 

    All information regarding the Sister Claire Rodrigue Endowment is held in the strictest of confidence.

  • LSP --> LA GATOR

    The LA GATOR Program will replace the existing Louisiana choice voucher program, commonly referred to as the Louisiana Scholarship Program.  After June 30, 2025, the Louisiana Scholarship Program will be discontinued.

    LA GATOR will be administered by the Louisiana Department of Education. The amount of funds allocated to family accounts will be determined by the Louisiana State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE). 

    Implementation of LA GATOR will be phased in over the course of multiple years, with the initial phase prioritizing students who participated in the Louisiana Scholarship Program voucher program the previous school year.

    Families wishing to apply for the LA GATOR Program can do so beginning March 1, 2025.

  • ACE Scholarships

    The founders’ of the ACE scholarship had a simple but powerful vision: that all children have access to great schools. 

    ACE Scholarships are partial tuition, intended to provide added assistance lower-income families may need to enroll their child in a private school. Standard ACE award amounts are approximately $4,200 for K-8. Families are responsible for working out a payment plan with the school for the remainder of the tuition.

  • Arete Scholarships

    Through private contributions from corporate and philanthropic partners, Arete Scholars awards need-based K-12 scholarships and empowers parents to place their children in private schools that best suit their unique gifts and learning needs. 

    2025-26 Scholarships are provided on a first-applied, first-awarded basis as funds are available, with priority given to current Arete, TDC, and Louisiana State Scholarship recipients. 

    Currently, maximum scholarship amounts are $4,400 for K-8 students. Families are responsible for paying school tuition and fees that exceed the amount of the scholarship.

Key Dates

  • ACE: award $4,200
  • Opens: 2/3/205
  • Closes: 4/15/2025
  • Arete: award $4400
  • Opens: 2/25/205
  • Closes: 5/31/2025
  • LA GATORvaries
  • Opens: 3/1/2025
  • Closes: 6/30/2025
  • Sister Claire Endowment: varies
  • Opens: 4/1/2025
  • Closes: 4/30/2025

Application Assistance

Keep in mind each of these scholarships has different qualifying factors. Please visit the websites for more details regarding student/family eligibility and to apply. 

If you have any questions or need assistance with a scholarship application, please contact Mrs. Angela Cheramie at 985-693-3342.

Donate to the Endowment

Visit Us

  • Tours

    Please call to set up a private tour of our campus. We are happy to answer any questions about our curriculum and our admission process. 

  • Open Enrollment Visits

    Our doors are always open to visitors, but each year in late February we hold an Open Enrollment Day for potential students and families to visit classrooms during the school day. It is a great opporunity to witness our teachers and students in action. 

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